Namespace of attributes in DAV:property element

In RFC 3253, the DTD for the DAV:property element in the 
DAV:expand-property report is

<!ELEMENT property (property*)>
name value: a property element type
<!ATTLIST property namespace NMTOKEN "DAV:">
namespace value: an XML namespace

Since all element names defined by the protocol are understood to be in 
the DAV: namespace, I would assume that attributes would be too, except 
that the example in section 3.8.1 uses the "name" attribute without a 
namespace. Was that really the intent, and if so, wouldn't it be better, 
or at least a little more consistent, to put the attributes in the DAV: 

In any case, I think this needs to be clarified, since the DTDs do not 
explicitly define namespaces.

John Vasta

Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2003 15:41:48 UTC