Re: exclusive checkout of VCR


in my opinion, the following precondition solves your problem

(DAV:one-version-controlled-resource-per-history-per-workspace): If the 
DAV:version-control request body specifies a version, and if the 
request-URL is a member of a workspace, then there MUST NOT already be a 
version-controlled member of that workspace whose DAV:checked-in or 
DAV:checked-out property identifies any version from the version history 
of the version specified in the request body.

regards, Manfred

>4.3 CHECKOUT Method (applied to a version-controlled resource)
>defines the precondition :
>(DAV:checkout-of-version-with-descendant-is-forbidden): If the
>      DAV:checkout-fork property of the version being checked out is
>      DAV:forbidden, the request MUST fail if a version identifies that
>      version in its DAV:predecessor-set.
>This means if I set checkout-fork to forbidden on the VCR this would
>prohibit concurrent checkouts across all workspaces having a VCR for 
>this version history. 
>This is not exactly what we want to provide.
>We want to prohibit concurrent checkouts in the same workspace only,
>i.e. if a user exclusively checks out a VCR pointing to Version V7 in 
>workspace A we want to prevent concurrent checkouts in the same workspace
>only, but checkout of a VCR of a different workspace B currently 
>pointing to the same version V7 shall be allowed.
>Is there a way to specify this in DeltaV ?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Clemm, Geoff []
>Sent: Montag, 10. März 2003 15:15
>Subject: RE: exclusive checkout of VCR
>Just set the DAV:checkout-fork property of the VCR to be DAV:forbidden.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sohn, Matthias []
>Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 8:44 AM
>Subject: exclusive checkout of VCR
>I am wondering how an exclusive checkout with apply-to-version of a 
>VCR could be requested using DeltaV protocol. We want to be able
>to prevent concurrent checkouts of the same VCR in the same workspace.

Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2003 06:51:44 UTC