Multiple VCR's

Hi ,
    A VCR is created (when a resourceis put under version control) along with a VR and a VHistory. VR and VH cannot be created independently (checkout and checkin only). Also a VCR will point to atmost one VR using DAV:checked-in property.
Now there would be seperate VH and VR for two seperate VCR's . 

Could there be anyway in which two vcr's point to the same VR in a given VH ? If so , how ?


		 VH1				VH2
		  |                      |
		----                    ----
VCR1 -->   | V1 |                  | V1 | <-- VCR2
		----                    ----

                       VH3 (VCR3's VR history)
                      | V1 |   <-- VCR3
            VCR1 -->  | V2 |   <--- VCR2

warm regards,

Received on Sunday, 19 January 2003 03:47:53 UTC