MERGE and newly created VCRs

is currently not available, I refer to version xx.6.

11.2 MERGE Method states:

"The request-URL identifies the set of possible merge targets.  If the
request-URL identifies a collection, any member of the configuration rooted
at the request-URL is a possible merge target.  The merge target of a
particular merge source is the version-controlled or checked-out resource
whose DAV:checked-in or DAV:checked-out version is from the same version
history as the merge source.  If a merge source has no merge target, that
merge source is ignored."

So, as the example at 11.2.1 shows, the changes of a workspace /ws/dev/sally
can be merged into a workspace /ws/public. The last sentence of the above
quotation states, that VCRs newly created in Sally's workspace are ignored
by the MERGE operation. So, I suppose that a VERSION-CONTROL applied to
existing versions is required for each newly created VCR to be taken over to
the public workspace.

Is there a more efficient way to "merge" the newly created resources by
Sally into the public workspace? Wouldn't it be a good idea to let the MERGE
operation automatically doing the VERSION-CONTROL's on request?


Received on Monday, 19 May 2003 08:27:48 UTC