Re: Activity and logical change

"Elodie Tasia" <> wrote:
> Hi !
> I read that in the DeltaV specifications : 
> "A common problem that motivates the use of activities is that it is often
> desirable to perform several different logical changes in a single 
> and then selectively merge a subset of those logical changes to other
> workspaces. "
> Maybe because I'm french, but I don't understand what "logical change" 
> : it has no sens to translate literally this expression.
> Can someone explain me it ?
> Thanx

Here 'logical' means that the change is associated with some work item -- 
for example, fixing a bug or supporting a particular feature.  Activities 
allow the client to associate each changed resource with this 'work item' 
or 'task' so that they can be separately identified if required.


Received on Thursday, 24 January 2002 04:47:11 UTC