- From: Clemm, Geoff <gclemm@rational.com>
- Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 08:30:37 -0500
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
From: Tim Ellison [mailto:Tim_Ellison@uk.ibm.com] "Kirmse, Daniel" <daniel.kirmse@sap.com> > Suppose a workspace WS with uri /ws that is under baseline- > control and the auto-version property of the version controlled > configuration representing the baseline controlled workspace WS > is set to checkout-checkin. > Now suppose a MKCOL request on uri /ws/folder. With that > "directory" folder is created within the workspace WS. Does the > creation of this folder cause a new baseline to be created > within the baseline-history of the vcc representing WS? No. Modifications to the resources making up the configuration are not considered modifications to the version-controlled configuration resource itself. If they were, you would be able to lock an entire configuration etc. by locking this one resource. Well, depends what you mean by "modification". If it is a change that results in a change to the DAV:checked-in property of any member of the baseline controlled collection (e.g. CHECKIN, UPDATE, MERGE), then it is considered a change to the version-controlled configuration, and such a change MUST be rejected unless the VCCn is checked out, or if auto-versioning is appropriately set for the VCCn. But if it is not a change to a version-controlled resource (such as a MKCOL that creates a non-version-controlled collection), then I agree that it is not a modification to the VCCn. > I assume it would do, if so is it a MUST or a SHOULD? From my > reading I assume MUST. I assume it would not. Which part of the spec. are you referring to? Note that the DAV:modify-configuration postconditions in sections 12.12, 12.13, and 12.14 define the semantics related to this question. Cheers, Geoff
Received on Friday, 11 January 2002 08:31:40 UTC