- From: Clemm, Geoff <gclemm@rational.com>
- Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 10:48:35 -0400
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
From: Peter Raymond [mailto:Peter.Raymond@merant.com] 1) Are the hrefs captured in the DAV:subbaseline-set the URLs of baseline versions? or BCCs or VCCs? I think they are baseline versions, but the specification does not spell this out. Section 12.3.2 states that the DAV:subbaseline-set identifies a set of baselines. A BCC is not a baseline, nor is a VCC a baseline ... only a baseline is a baseline (:-). As a minor terminology point, a baseline resource is defined to be a version resource, so you usually would not use the term "baseline version" since every baseline is a version, i.e. just "baseline" suffices. 2) To make one baseline a subbaseline of another baseline do you have to CHECKOUT the version-controlled configuration, PROPPATCH the subbaseline-set and CHECKIN the VCC? Yes. It would have been really nice if you could set the subbaseline-set as part of the BASELINE-CONTROL method request body. Because checking in and out causes new resources to be created and the state of the baseline-controlled collection to be captured again....this seems like a lot of overhead just to set a property. Well, this only has to be done once when the collection is first put under baseline control. But I agree that it would be a reasonable extension to the BASELINE-CONTROL method to allow for the initial subbaselines to be specified. I'd rather leave off this optimization for now though, since it really is a useful extension, rather than an error or inconsistency. Cheers, Geoff
Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 10:49:17 UTC