Changes to baseline section in draft 17...


I've had a quick look at the changes to the baseline section in the new
draft, seems OK, but spotted a couple of things:

In section 12.6.1 in the text above the diagram you refer to the
DAV:baselined-collection.  I think it should be DAV:baseline-collection.

Also I think it would help if we made it clearer that this example is
populating a collection based on a baseline (as opposed to creating a
new baseline based on a collection) sometimes seems odd to me that
we use BASELINE-CONTROL to do both these tasks.

I would change the words to be something like:

"In this example, the collection /src is populated with members from an
existing baseline and is itself placed under baseline control.  A new
version-controlled configuration (/repo/vcc/128) is created and
associated with /src, and /src is initialized with version-controlled
members whose DAV:checked-in versions are those selected by the
DAV:baseline-collection (/repo/bc/15) of the specified baseline,
/repo/blh/13/ver/8.  The following diagram illustrates the resulting
state on the server."

Peter Raymond - MERANT.

Received on Saturday, 25 August 2001 04:54:50 UTC