- From: Alison Macmillan <alison.macmillan@oracle.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 12:11:58 +0100
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
Alison Macmillan wrote: > I've been trying to understand how the working resource feature works > with merging and forking, and I've got a few questions: > > 1. For merging & client workspaces, should the DAV:checked-out-for-merge > merge postcondition cover the case that the DAV:checkout element > included a DAV:apply-to-version? In particular, should it say that a > Location: header must be in the response, and that this header contains > the URL of the working resource created by the checkout? > Sorry - please ignore this question. I guess the checked-out resource URL(s) are returned in the DAV:merged-set response element, (and it also covers the case of merging more than one merge version + target). > > 2. A merge target is a version-controlled resource. Was it unnecessary > to allow a merge target to be either a version-controlled resource or a > checked-out resource (e.g. a working resource)? > > 3. How does the working resource feature work for a forking server? For > example, suppose that http://repo.webdav.org/wr/1 and > http://repo.webdav.org/wr/2 identify two working resources that are > created by requesting a checkout on a version controlled resource, > http://repo.webdav.org/foo.html, and including a DAV:apply-to-version in > the request. The DAV:checked-in property of the vcr is > http://repo.webdav.org/his/1/ver/V5. This is also the value of the > DAV:checked-out property of each of the working resources. Each working > resource has it's DAV:auto-update property set to the vcr URL. Now > suppose that the first working resource (http://repo.webdav.org/wr/1) is > checked in, creating version http://repo.webdav.org/his/1/ver/V6, and > that postcondition DAV:auto-update applies - the DAV:checked-in property > of the vcr is now set to http://repo.webdav.org/his/1/ver/V6. Does this > then mean that it is impossible to ever check in the second working > resource, http://repo.webdav.org/wr/2, as it's DAV:checked-out property > points to http://repo.webdav.org/his/1/ver/V5, and precondition > DAV:no-overwrite-by-auto-update prevents the checkin? The > DAV:auto-update property is protected, and so can't be changed by a > client PROPPATCH. > > 4. Looks like there's a typo in draft 16, section 9.4 - the CHECKIN > 'forking' preconditions reference DAV:checkout-... conditions. > > Thanks, > Alison Macmillan > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------- > The statements and opinions expressed here are my own > and do not necessarily represent those of Oracle Corporation. > ------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- The statements and opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Oracle Corporation. -------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Friday, 24 August 2001 07:13:28 UTC