RE: Use of attributes

> From:
> []On Behalf Of Lisa Dusseault
> Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 7:34 AM
> To: DeltaV
> Subject: Use of attributes
> Is there some reason why DeltaV deviates from every prior
> instance of WebDAV
> property representation in XML? Not only does the current syntax make
> unnecessary use of attributes, which DAV has traditionally
> discouraged, but
> it reinvents something for which we already have a mechanism in DAV.
> To be consistent with how 2518 does PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, etc. I would have
> expected:
>   <D:supported-live-property-set xmlns:D="DAV:"
> xmlns:x=""/>
>      <D:getcontentlength/>
>      <D:getcontentlanguage/>
>      <x:quota/>
>      <x:size/>
>      ...
>   </D:supported-live-property-set>
> But the DeltaV draft requires the following syntax:
>   <supported-live-property-set>
>      <supported-live-property name="getcontentlength" namespace="DAV:"/>
>      <supported-live-property name="getcontentlanguage" namespace="DAV:"/>
>      <supported-live-property name="quota"
> namespace=""/>
>      <supported-live-property name="size"
> namespace=""/>
>      ...
>   </supported-live-property-set>
> Is there some merit to doing things this way that isn't
> immediately obvious?
> The DeltaV syntax is rather more bloated and far less obvious.
> Moreover, it
> makes it impossible for people to reuse the code they already have for
> parsing DAV property lists. This is not a feature.
> Aside from consistency and stylistic considerations, the syntax
> in the draft
> is just plain broke. The DTD for supported-live-property set hardwires the
> namespace to DAV:
> <!ATTLIST supported-live-property namespace NMTOKEN "DAV:">
> This makes it impossible to render vendor-specific extensions (thus
> rendering my above example technically illegal). I assume this is an error
> since just yesterday Geoff claimed that vendor-specific extensions were to
> appear in supported-live-property-set.

You might want to check a similar thread from April:


Received on Saturday, 4 August 2001 16:47:09 UTC