RE: Auto update of VCR when checking an associated working resource

I'm in favour of this.

One addendum:  if the server does NOT support the UPDATE method, then the
client MUST include the DAV:auto-update property in the CHECKIN request.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jim Amsden
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 1:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Auto update of VCR when checking an associated working resource
> (sorry for the long, and perhaps confusing title)
> On the versioning teleconference call, 6/29/01, the participating working
> group members reached consensus on the following approach to updating a
> version-controlled-resource on checkin of a working resource that was
> created by checking out the version-controlled-resource with
> DAV:apply-to-version.
> I would like get a sense if the rest of the working group agrees
> with this
> proposal. I think it makes sense as the result of checking out a VCR,
> modifying what you checked out, and checking it back in is the same
> regardless of where and how the state of the updated resource was
> managed,
> on the client or on the server, with or without a working resource. It
> does mean changes to the spec, but this seems to be within the
> boundary of
> what's reasonable to do now. What do you think?
> Here's the proposal from the teleconference:
> When you apply CHECKOUT directly to a version URL, the semantics of
> the protocol are unchanged (so if you liked the old semantics and
> didn't want any auto-update on checkin, you would always apply
> CHECKOUT directly to a version URL
> When you apply CHECKOUT with a DAV:apply-to-version flag to a VCR, you
> create a working resource whose DAV:checked-out version is the
> DAV:checked-in version of the VCR (as is required currently), but
> which now also has a protected DAV:auto-update property which contains
> the URL of the VCR that was checked out.  (This requires one new
> postcondition for the CHECKOUT semantics in the working-resource
> feature).
> The MOVE operation is required to update the DAV:auto-update property
> if the VCR is moved (or it can fail the MOVE), so the DAV:auto-update
> property is always valid.  (This requires one new postcondition
> for the MOVE semantics in the working-resource feature).
> When you CHECKIN a working resource with a DAV:auto-update property,
> the CHECKIN fails if the DAV:checked-out property of the working
> resource does not match the DAV:checked-in property of the VCR.
> If the CHECKIN succeeds, the VCR identified by the DAV:auto-update
> must have been updated to have the content and dead properties
> of the new version, and the DAV:checked-in version of the VCR
> must have been updated to identify the new version.  (This requires
> one new precondition and one new postcondition for the CHECKIN
> semantics in the working-resource feature).

Received on Thursday, 12 July 2001 17:57:02 UTC