RE: Bindings to non versioned controlled resources in version con trolled collections

Modifying a version controlled resource never has an effect on
its associated version, so we probably wouldn't want to phrase
it that way.  Can you think of some other wording that you would
like to add?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Amsden []
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 3:35 PM
Subject: Bindings to non versioned controlled resources in version
controlled collections

The spec says:
14 Version-Controlled-Collection Feature
    Although a collection version only records the version-controlled
    bindings of a collection, a version controlled collection MAY
    contain both version-controlled and non-version-controlled
    bindings. Non-version-controlled bindings are not under version
    control, and therefore can be added or deleted without checking
    out the version-controlled collection.

This is a little confusing. Maybe we could make the section above a little 
clearer if we indicated that adding non-version controlled resources to a 
version controlled collection has no effect on it assocated version. So 
the version controlled collection doesn't have to be checked out to add 
these bindings. 

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 16:22:27 UTC