Re: live properties

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:11:01AM +0000, wrote:
> <tim_2>
>   I recall that we used to say that servers must protect all defined
>   live properties (i.e., names) in the spec, even those properties that
>   were unsupported.  I didn't see that statement in a quick scan of the
>   latest spec, so has it been dropped?
>   If yes, then I presume it is now encumbant upon clients to (a) check
>   that a live property is supported before setting it (and expecting it
>   to have any effect on the server), and (b) check that a live property
>   is supported before getting it to check that some other client didn't
>   violate (a).
>   It would seem to be less of a burden for the server to protect the
>   property name (and effectively enforce (a)) than expect the client to
>   do two queries (OPTIONS and PROPPATCH/FIND) for each live property
>   operation.
> </tim_2>

I agree -- the server should "protect" unsupported live props.


Greg Stein,

Received on Friday, 22 December 2000 04:21:36 UTC