Subversion support (was: Re: proposed client and server options)

>    > 24.1 Client AA
>    > - required options
>    > - supported options
>    > 
>    > 24.2 Server BB
>    > 
>    > 24.3 Server CC
>    > 
>    > 24.4 ...

All righty, then... here is your first appendix item:  Subversion 1.0 (

   A. Subversion client
      i. Required options:
         a. RFC 2518, Class 1  (but not Class 2)
	 b. Core versioning (but not: VERSION-CONTROL, UNCHECKOUT, or
	 c. Client-Workspace option
	 d. Label option  (probably; not entirely sure because our "label"
	    may simply be a COPY)
	    [ this also presumes Label will be split from Client-WS ]
	 e. Activity option
	 f. Version-History-Resource option
	 g. Version-Controlled-Collection option
	 h. Fork-Control option
	 i. Subversion-specific items: a custom report, DAV:version-name
	    must be an integer representing repository-global-change, atomic
	    CHECKIN of activities, DAV:prop supported within the DAV:checkin
	    element (to enable returning post-checkin information, such as
	    new version resource URLs), possibly other TBD items???

      ii. Supported options: none

   B. Subversion server support
      i. RFC 2518, Class 1
      ii. Subversion-specific subsets for each of[b-i] The
	  Subversion server will not fully support DeltaV's Core or Options.

And yes, I realize that the above spec implies that neither the client nor
the server will be interoperable with other DAV systems. That support will
take place in a future version (after 1.0). Limited subsets will be
available, so interop will depend highly upon what the client expects and
uses from the server.


Greg Stein,

Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2000 16:40:58 UTC