- From: <Tim_Ellison@uk.ibm.com>
- Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 16:03:50 +0000
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
Delta-V Design Group Meeting IETF San Diego 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Wednesday 14 December 2000 Attendees: Jim Amsden (IBM Raleigh) Geoff Clemm (Rational Software) Tim Ellison (IBM UK) Mark Hale (Interwoven) James Hunt (Universität Karlsruhe / FZI) Eric Sedlar (Oracle) [Note: section references are based on draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-10.9] Discussion of core behaviour of LOCKing an auto-versioned resource followed by PUTs, PROPPATCHes and UNLOCK. Agreed that the proposed behaviour of PUT to a LOCKed auto-versioned resource should be to checkout the resource and update its contents without checking it back in. Subsequent PUTs and PROPPATCHes would update the same (mutable) working resource. Thw working resource would be checked in when the resource was UNLOCKed. Discussed ways of working with client side workspaces. One model is that clients acquire locks across all resources that they want to update, sends updates, then releases all the locks. This is inherently pessimistic, and isn't going to scale to updating large numbers of resources. Another model is to use GET and PROPFIND to copy resources over to the client machine. Clearly clients must be stateful to maintain the resources and any subsequent changes to the resources made by the client. (Clients may check with the server to ensure that the changes are still non-conflicting by considering the current server state.) When time comes to make changes on the server the client checks out the versions, issues PUT and PROPPATCH to update the working resource on the server and CHECKIN the working resource. Note that working resources are required since there is no single method for setting properties and content simultaneously. Some servers may have a batch capability to atomically check in numerous resources atomically. In both models for client side workspaces, servers are required to provise working resources, however, in server side workspaces clients simply use workspaces. It was noted that we now have multiple ways of checking out a resource, LOCK+autoversion, CHECKOUT a version controlled resource, & CHECKOUT a version. Mutable versions can be suppurted by allowing clients that have a lock on a version resource to update the contents and properties in place. Advantage of this LOCK/UNLOCK behaviour is that dav level two clients can now create new versions without needing new methods (they still require a versioning client to VERSION-CONTROL to resource initially) and without all intermediate states of their PUTs and PROPPATCHes being recorded in version history. Should clarify in the spec. that 'Overwrite : T' means update in place (thereby ignoring the RFC2518 semantics that call for an initial DELETE of the destination). Remove the 'Overwrite: update' option. Should require that the error response for new methods contains an XML body as defined in the spec. (for advanced error reporting) unless it has been otherwise negotiated (via header(s) to be defined). For existing methods we probably have to adopt the existing error conditions (and advanced error reporting may have to opt-in). Agenda item: should consider moving SET-TARGET out of core. Discussion of versioned resource vs. a version controlled resource (vcr) and why we need to distinguish between resources that can be modified and resources that cannot be modified in a LOCK-PUT-UNLOCK sequence (excepting mutable versions). This is a candidate for the delta-v book of why. Suggested that we specify that allprop requests do not return any delta-v properties -- rejected since it does not solve the allprop problem. Discussed checking out in the context of a baseline. Create a baseline resource, can then checkout a resource specifying a baseline in the CHECKOUT body (i.e., the baseline 'contains' a working resource/collection). All the members MUST be checked in before the baseline can be checked in. Add a DAV:checked-out property to return the working resources in the baseline. Consider introducing a DAV:sub-baseline property? Geoff will write up the semantics of checkig out against a baseline and post it to the list for general comments. Discussed versionig whole respositories -- a single baseline is created that represents the entire state of all resources. The state of the repository is captured in the baseline history. Suggested that there be no branching in core, no labels in core, but that there should be a version history available in core. Should separate the 'label' option from the client managed workspace option. I becomes its own option. How about a header to get the latest version in an activity? Suggest a REPORT against a version history to ask for the latest verswion in a given activity, the response includes a version URL (noted that you can issue depth requests if the target is a collection). Post conditions may be better expressed as (inverse) pre-conditions in some cases. In any case should add extended status error tags to postconditions to allow the server to illustrate that the post condition could not be met. 6.1.1 Grammar href+ becomes href* 6.11 <DAV:activity-must-exist/> precondition should be added. Discussion of labels and baselines. Discussion of defining a DAV:is-branch property on an activity to advise a client whether the activity represents a branch or change set. The property would have no impact on the server behaviour. Alternative suggestion was to define a DAV:is-change-set property that would require the server to enfore there was only one version per history per activity. Howevr, it was noted that this would require a means for setting the property when the activity is created (defining a body to initialize properties during MKACTIVITY?) James H. agreed to write up his semantics differences between a chane set and a branch (both being sets of resources) and why it would be useful for servers to distinguish them. James to post this to the list. Should check through the protocol document and identify which live properties should be protected by a write lock. Set the agenda for the delta-v working group meeting. Meeting closed at 3:00pm.
Received on Friday, 15 December 2000 11:12:55 UTC