- From: Geoffrey M. Clemm <geoffrey.clemm@rational.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 15:10:51 -0500 (EST)
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
Minutes: - Moving branching support from core to optional (Geoff) We agreed that since version-checkout and version-selector-checkout is currently optional, it would expose a client to no more optionality than is in the current protocol (but rather would make the current optionality more evident). Hopefully there will be further discussion of this topic in the email thread that was started yesterday (i.e. "Simplifying CHECKOUT behavior for core clients"). - Working collections (Greg) We agreed that the latest working collection proposal was technically consistent (i.e. where the members are version histories and unversioned resources that are put under version control when the working collection is checked in). But it is still not clear that the benefits of supporting a working collection construct are worth the interoperability costs of having two ways of versioning collections. - CHECKIN of an activity (Greg) This just provides a shorthand for checking in all the checked out resources associated with that activity. It appears that the only benefit is in decreasing the number of round trips. If anyone believes there is a semantic benefit to this operation, please explain it to the list. - Nested workspaces (Tim) The motivation for nested workspaces is the desire to allow one to version the root of the URL space on a host, and also support multiple workspaces on that host. We agreed that this is reasonable, as long as a resource behaves as if it is a member of exactly one resource. And that's as far as we got. - Replacing DAV:must-support attribute with If tokens (Yaron) - Moving DAV:supported-xxx and DAV:collection/workspace-collection-set properties to be OPTION request/response items (Yaron). - Replace F and T with false and true (to allign with XML schema) (Yaron). - Move DAV:checkin-fork and DAV:checkout-fork to core (Yaron). Cheers, Geoff
Received on Friday, 1 December 2000 15:11:46 UTC