Re: workspaces


   The spec should say that workspaces cannot 'overlap', i.e., a workspace
   cannot be a member of another workspace, and bindings cannot be made
   outside the workspace.  Having multiple workpace 'parents' would confuse
   many things, including current activity, and make workspace semantics for
   single history selectors very time consuming to enforce.

This is a good point, but I think we can address it in a
less draconian fashion.

I think it is sufficient to state that a version selector is
contained by at most one workspace, namely, the one specified
in its DAV:workspace property, and that when a resource is
put under version control, its DAV:workspace property is set
to be the DAV:workspace of its parent collection.

This does raise another question:

Should we require a DAV:workspace property on *non-version-controlled*
workspace members?

If not, we need to modify the preceding statement to say:

"... the DAV:workspace of its nearest parent collection that has a
DAV:workspace property."


Received on Friday, 17 November 2000 12:50:15 UTC