- From: <Tim_Ellison@uk.ibm.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:06:16 +0000
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
From the versioning spec (section 2.2): "Although the content and dead properties of a checked-in version selector are required to be the same as those of its current target, its live properties may differ." I would have thought that some live properties should(must?) not be different. Hopefully, we would agree that the DAV:getContentLength property must not be different. Ok, how about the DAV:resourcetype? I think that that would most likely not be different, but maybe it would (interpret the same content as different types, editing url and execute url maybe?) Comments? DAV:getlastmodified? Well you probably do want that to be different to the version that was the target of the SETTARGET. I suspect that having the getlastmodified time go 'backwards' when setting the target to an earlier version would screw up caching proxies, and clients that rely on If-Unmodified-Since: et al headers. I think we would agree that the DAV:getetag property should be different. A successful SETTARGET should result in new last modified and etag values for a version selector. Tim
Received on Tuesday, 14 November 2000 07:10:52 UTC