Re: DAV:checked-out

On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 06:25:25PM -0400, Geoffrey M. Clemm wrote:
>... blap blam boom ...

Okay. Quick question:

  If I CHECKOUT a version resource (directly or via DAV:target in the
  CHECKOUT method), does the DAV:target disappear from any Version Selectors
  that point at correspond to that version?

In other words, does the monkeying around with DAV:target and
DAV:checked-out *only* occur for in-place checked-out version selectors?

[ which in turn means it won't happen to me since I don't use in-place ]

With that tidbit, then I'll reread your email to see if problems still



Greg Stein,

Received on Friday, 6 October 2000 18:43:22 UTC