RE: Change to charset registry for "ECMA-cyrillic" (updated)

At 11:52 AM -0800 2/6/04, Michael Sokolov wrote:
>IANA <> wrote:
>>  Your request has been processed.  The character set registry now appears as
>>  follows:
>>  Name: ECMA-cyrillic
>>  MIBenum: 77
>>  Source: ISO registry (formerly ECMA registry)
>>  Alias: iso-ir-111
>>  Alias: KO18-E
>            ^
>  > Alias: csISO111ECMACyrillic
>Also folks, do you think we should also include the following note in the
>registry right after the above:
>NOTE: The description of this charset in RFC 1345 is INCORRECT.  The only
>correct and authoritative description of this charset is the registration
>document in the ISO registry, a scan of which appears at the URL given above.

I purposely did *not* ask for that in the registry because nothing in 
the new registration indicates anything about RFC 1345. There are 
other know problems with RFC 1345, but it will take quite some time 
to resolve them. Until then, we should not be confusing folks reading 
the registry who haven't read RFC 1345.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Received on Friday, 6 February 2004 17:34:25 UTC