RE: GB 18030 Information Required

Thanks.  Would appreciate if you could answer one more thing please.  
Does any As400 (Operating system as OS400) based application supports the
GB18030 ? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Bjoern Hoehrmann []
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: GB 18030 Information Required

* wrote:
>How are you? Could you please let me know if following  supports the
>? If not, what needs to be done to make it compliant to GB18030 ? 
> - .Net Technology of MicroSoft

A Framework implementation with GB18030 support. The
Encoding.GetEncoding() documentation reads

  The GetEncoding method relies on the underlying platform to support
  most code pages. However, system support is supplied for the following
  cases: Specify code page 0 for the default encoding, that is, the
  encoding specified in the regional settings for the computer executing
  this method; 1200 for little-endian Unicode (UTF-16LE); 1201 for
  big-endian Unicode (UTF-16BE); 1252 for Windows operating system
  (windows-1252); 65000 for UTF-7; 65001 for UTF-8; 20127 for ASCII, and
  54936 for GB18030 (Chinese Simplified).

>- Any web based application 
>- Browser (Internet Explorer/ Netsacpe) based application

I have no idea what these could be!?

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 12:28:37 UTC