Re: draft-hoffman-utf16-01.txt available

À 15:16 04/02/99 +0000, Misha Wolf a écrit :
>François Yergeau a écrit :
>> Let's face it, forbidding BOMs with the BE/LE tags means that they can't be
>> used with XML, period.  That's part of the compromise.
>s/, period./ 1.0./

Well, yes, in principle.  But the outlook for later versions does not look
promising to me.  The BOM is currently instrumental in ensuring the
self-describability of XML entities.  Requiring an encoding declaration for
UTF-16 entities would be an incompatible change, not acceptable.  Just
dropping the BOM requirement would mean losing the self-describability,
which I consider far less palatable than not being allowed to use the BE/LE
tags.  But perhaps someone will find some magic so that XML can have its
cake and eat it too.


Received on Thursday, 4 February 1999 12:40:37 UTC