Re: TR6 charset

At 15:12 19.08.98 -0700, Rick McGowan wrote:
>For the record.  I'm a member of the Unicode Technical Committee and one of  
>the Consortium's Technical Directors.  I agree with Chris Newman's
>regarding any proposed registration of SCSU under RFC 2278.  To wit, he  
>> Personally, I think registering this charset will be counter-productive
>> to the acceptance of Unicode and is a bad idea.
>It's my opinion that registering *any* more flavors of alternative
>for text is contrary to the current sense of the UTC, as well as members of  
>IETF.  There are already too many variations, and we don't need any more --  
>especially we don't need any more encodings for Unicode data on the wire.

My sympathies are with Larry in this case; registering a charset
so that you can accurately label data over which you have no control
is a Good Thing, if the label is well defined, and the definition fits
with reasonable expectations of usage.

It is a perfectly sensible use of the charset registry to make a
registration saying "some #¤%&/( is sending Unicode data in this %&/()"#
format instead of using UTF-8; as long as I can't make him stop,
I want him to label it as SCSU" (or words to that effect, somewhat
more politely formed).

I don't have the original registration request on hand; it does not
seem to have been sent to
Could someone resend it, please?

                   Harald T. Alvestrand

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Maxware, Norway

--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Friday, 21 August 1998 00:40:35 UTC