Re: Registration of new charset "UTF-16"

> In message "Re: Registration of new charset "UTF-16"",	Chris Newman wrote...
> > The registration needs to label this as "not permitted for use with MIME
> > text/* media types".

> It is my understanding that IANA is mererely for registering charset
> values.  Detailed information should appear elsewhere.

True, but whether or not a charset is suitable for use with MIME text
is one of the things that's required in a registration. See RFC 2278,
Section 3.1.

>  Since none of
> the registration for EBCDIC, fixed-width EUC, UCS-4, UCS-2 mentions
> text/* media types, I would hesitate to incorporate such information.

That's because they were registered before the new requirements came into
effect. With the new requirements now in effect one of the tasks for the
charset registry reviewer is to add this information to all existing


--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 1998 19:48:57 UTC