Re: new version of draft-alvestrand-charset-policy.txt

You're not alone in disliking the default language text.
I caught a bit of flak over the previous version as being TOO

And guess what: I don't like exalting English either, but feel that
leaving out the truth because we don't like it is NOT a service to
the user.

An earlier suggestion on the list was to name the default
context "i-default". This solves the "one-way negotiation" problem cleanly.

Also, it may make sense NOT to outlaw things like

   System unavailable. Contact your sysadmin.
   Systemet er ute av drift. Kontakt systemansvarlig.

that is - dual-language notices. Makes sense to negotiate them away,
and makes sense to insist on English being included, but it's definitely
different from what results from negotiating English.


                  Harald A

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Sunday, 12 October 1997 18:05:22 UTC