- From: <MutualFunds@funds.com>
- Date: Sun, 07 Sep 1997 14:37:46 +0930 (CST)
- To: MutualFunds@funds.com
Dear Friend: NOW, AN EXCITING MLM OPPORTUNITY IS HERE...MUTUAL FUND$ & BABY BOOMER$ - A PERFECT MLM MARRIAGE!!! The bull market of the past 15 years is still roaring on with stocks proving again why they are historically the premier investment choice of savvy investors. Mutual Funds are the vehicles to invest in with diversified investment risk for the underlying individual stocks which have been on a steady climb upward since the early '80s. FACTS ON MUTUAL FUNDS - Mutual Funds manage about $2.8 Trillion - 31% of U.S. households invest in Mutual Funds - There are over 5,500 different Mutual Funds BENEFITS OF MUTUAL FUNDS - LOWER INVESTOR RISK - due to diversification of portfolios by buying many different securities. - EASY ACCESS TO YOUR MONEY - Mutual Funds mean LIQUIDITY, i.e. you can buy & sell your investment shares on any business day. - PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT - skilled & experienced investment professionals invest your money by tracking markets & trends to identify opportunities. This allows investors to minimize their monitoring & follow-up. - NO LOAD/LOW LOAD FEE - Mutual Funds have either no broker's fees or very low fees which are very attractive especially with frequent transactions. - BEAUTY OF COMPOUNDING - e.g. a 15% return over 5 years then investors get their principal investment back with the beauty of compounding on reinvested dividends. TARGET MARKET - BABY BOOMERS The most powerful block of consumers are the baby boomers (those born between 1946-64 with current age range of 33-51). The sheer power and financial clout of this group cannot be overstated! Boomers are dictating changes in technology, consumer products, style preferences, tastes, etc. All across the spectrum in the U.S. Madison Avenue has known this for years and has exploited it in exponential fashion. Television advertisers and direct mail catalogue companies recognize the power of this group. Ever notice how the models and actors are starting to look a little older, a bit grayer? Ever notice how aging rock and roll stars such as Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, Neil Young, Tina Turner, Bonnie Raitt, etc. are still wildly popular? Why? Because the group that grew up with these stars has such huge clout in the marketplace - The Baby Boomers! Aging Boomers are the primary target for investments such as Mutual Funds because they have the "need" for investments as they age and the "discretionary income" to make these investments. The strong need for Mutual Funds is driven by other factors as well: the sudden collective realization by this voracious group of consumer products purchasers and credit card users that there "are" financial limits (even for them) and that now is the time to exercise financial prudence and discipline. With the long-term viability of Social Security in doubt, retirement concerns are starting to mount. This is especially acute with the continual increases in life expectancy for both sexes. College education costs for their kids are a big concern as well. The vast majority of Boomers are computer owners and they are a significant percentage of online subscribers. They have the need for Mutual Fund investments, the discretionary income and now the newfound desire to invest in their futures. The TIMING COULDN'T BE BETTER FOR THIS MLM OPPORTUNITY!!! Mutual Funds and Baby Boomers are now, and will continue to be, joined at the hip right through the Millennium and beyond! HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? We will provide you with four (4) reports that will help the investor get ready for his/her Mutual Funds investments by setting financial goals, tips to help manage debt, analyze spending habits, patterns (1st Report). The second Report will help explain Mutual Funds with emphasis on professional management, portfolio diversification, etc. The third Report will look at investment needs and goals and help lead the investor to the proper investment choice at this stage of his/her life. Finally, the fourth Report will provide useful tips and information on Asset Allocation and determining what mix of funds are best suited for your financial needs and goals. These Reports cost $5.00 each. Your total investment is $20.00 with a vast market of baby boomers to target. This is a fresh program being marketed on the Internet. It has vast potential because of the size of the target group, the group's "deep pockets" plus the investment and long-term security needs of the target group. Your marketing letter can combine the advantages of Mutual Funds as an investment vehicle with the benefits and needs of the target group. The four (4) Reports are educational, informative and an excellent first step to a cohesive, disciplined and systematic investment program. INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1- ORDER all four REPORTS listed by Name and Number. For each Report, send $5.00 CASH and a self-addressed stamped envelope to the person listed with the Report. You will need all 4 Reports because you will be Reprinting and Reselling them. International orders should be sent with $6.00 CASH. ($1.00 is for the extra postage). STEP 2 - Replace the Name & Number under Report number 1 with yours, moving the one that was there down to Report # 2. Name & Address for #2 is moved to Report # 3 and name & address of #3 is moved to Report # 4. The # and address of #4 is then dropped from the list. STEP 3 - Email a copy of the entire program to Anyone & Everyone. You can get email addresses from companies on the Internet for very reasonable prices. REPORTS *****ORDER EACH REPORT BY NUMBER AND NAME***** ALWAYS SEND A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE AND $5.00 CASH (INTERNATIONAL - $6.00 CASH) FOR EACH ORDER REQUESTING THE SPECIAL REPORT BY NAME AND NUMBER REPORT # 1 - GETTING READY FOR INVESTING 1) Benzer Productions 14341 Inglewood Ave., #183 Hawthorne, CA 90250 REPORT # 2 - MUTUAL FUNDS - WHAT & WHY 2) Signature 369 Montezuma Ave., STE 351 Santa Fe, NM 87501 REPORT # 3 - DETERMINING YOUR NEEDS & GOALS 3) Benzer Productions 14341 Inglewood Ave., #183 Hawthorne, CA 90250 REPORT # 4 - ASSET ALLOCATION 4) Signature 369 Montezuma Ave., STE 351 Santa Fe, NM 87501 CONCLUSION This program is brand new. NOW is the time to get in on the ground floor of an opportunity that will prove to be financially rewarding beyond your dreams!!! With MLM gaining more and more acceptance, this program will have a long run because it makes sense and the product (Mutual Funds) and the target group (Baby Boomers) are going to be around a long, long time!!! BEST WISHES WITH THE PROGRAM AND GOOD LUCK! --Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)
Received on Saturday, 6 September 1997 22:19:52 UTC