Re: charsets list? (was Secrets = Hits = Sales)

> At 09:27 AM 3/3/97 +0200, Markku Savela wrote:
> >All I seem to get from this list (ietf-charsets) is just spams. It is
> >starting to look like this list only acting as a "spam detector". I am
> >getting a feeling that I am the only one left on this list.

> I agree.  Let's either restrict access to the list, or shut it down.

As I have pointed out before, this isn't possible. This is an IETF list
intended for discussion of character set issues -- a highly political area to
begin with. IETF discussions are supposed to be open to all comers, including
people not subscribed to the list. I am not going to open myself up to a charge
that I've unfairly restricted IETF discussions. Simply put, I don't want to be
sued. (And if you don't think this is a possibility or you think that having
the list be open to all subscribers is sufficient, you're simply out of touch
with present-day IETF realities.)

If someone wants to suggest a mechanism other than limiting postings to
subscribers, I'm all ears. Thus far nobody has. We already have site and
address filters in place to deal with sites and specific addresses that have
spammed this list. Unfortunately, this list keeps getting hit from new
addresses  -- my records show that the only site that has repeatedly spammed
this list in recent times is, and they only got to do it three
times as a result of my not getting the rules set up correctly. In addition,
this list seems to get spam that none of the other lists here seem to get,
making screening on the basis of multiple posts impossible.

Shutting down the list would seem to be an option, were it not for the fact
that meaningful discussions have in fact taken place as little as a month ago
(thus disproving the "nothing but spam" assertion, BTW). 

As such, I have no useful suggestion other than to live with the spams on this
list. Again, if someone wants to suggest some other course of action I've not
considered, I'm all ears.


--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Monday, 3 March 1997 10:15:25 UTC