Re: Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-goldsmith-utf7-01.txt

>1) You should update the MIME reference to RFC 2045-2049.

Oops. I think those RFCs weren't out yet when I sent out the first 
version of this draft. I'll wait a day or two to collect other comments...

>2) You should fix the example near the end which uses a
>"charset=unicode-2-0", as I don't believe that is a legal charset to use
>with MIME.

It's not legal for use with MIME in the contect of mail. There is still 
some debate as to whether it's legal in other contexts (e.g., HTTP). 
However, it's only a hypothetical example to show a path not taken, and I 
think it would be obfuscated by changing it to something else (like 
UTF-8), so I'd rather leave it as is.

David Goldsmith
Text and International Software Architect
Apple Computer, Inc.

--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Wednesday, 5 February 1997 15:18:18 UTC