Earn An Extra $100 Cash Daily, From Your Home!

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         This E-Mail Is To Let You Know About 
         How You Can Earn An Extra $100.00 Or 
          More In Cash Daily, From Your Home!  
         * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Dear Achiever,

I have never written an e-mail like this before and I 
don't know if I ever will again. So please take a moment 
to read this carefully and to get all the details so you 
can decide if this is for you or not. I'll be brief and 
I'll get right to the point.

Everyday, I am searching out ways to make more money and 
for ways to help others make more money. I do this because 
I believe if can help you better live the kind of life that 
your heart desires, I will be in a better position to live 
the kind of life that my heart desires. In other words, 
Your Success Is My Success!

The reason I am writing you this e-mail today is, I believe
that I have found something that everyone from around the 
world can easily make money with and that almost everyone 
will be able to afford to join. 

I know these are bold words, but they are true. The main 
challenge for me has always been to find money making 
opportunities that are fun, simple, and easy to do where 
people are already making money. Another challenge has 
been to find money making opportunities that have a low 
start up fee and no monthly fee and that people from all 
over the world can participate in and profit from.

Today, I am sending you this e-mail to let you know that I 
have found such a company and a way for each of us to 
achieve all of the above objectives.

Here's What I'm Talking About

Recently I heard about a man who is currently earning over  
$70,000.00 a month in his home based business.

Obviously, I wanted to know how he was doing it because 
earning over $70,000.00 a month is something I would like 
to do from home and I am sure you would like to as well.

After talking with an associate of his, I found out how he 
is doing it and more importantly, I found out how you, me, 
and anyone else who is serious can do it as well. 

What he did was, he bought the full reprint rights to the 
"Hottest Selling Report In The World Today" for a one time 
out of pocket expense of $50.00. If you want to do this, 
$50.00 is all it will cost you to buy the full reprint rights 
to this report as well. I will tell you more about this in 
a minute.

This report contains very valuable information that everyone 
in the world wants and needs. This report will change people's 
lives throughout the world by showing them how they can make 
and save money by removing themselves from the strict rules, 
regulations and tax burdens their government has imposed on 

The information on this report is not accessible just anywhere. 
Information like this can not be found at your local library. 
It is well worth the $50.00 - In fact it's well worth thousands 
of dollars by showing people how they can save a hundred times 
that amount in taxes alone.

Now you can see why it is the "Hottest Selling Report In The 
World Today.

Here's How He Is Earning Over $70,000.00 A Month

He runs small classified ads, he sends out faxes and mails out 
postcards to get people to want to call, fax or mail him to 
receive a free information letter. This letter tells them all 
the details and it gets them to want to buy the report from 

The free information letter does all the work for him and it 
will do all the work for you and me to. All we have to do is 
get people interested to want to get the free information 
letter and the letter will do the selling for us.

One of the things that got me real excited about this is that
neither he nor anyone else that I know of is marketing this 
very valuable inexpensive report on the Internet. We will be. 
In addition to using the Internet, we will be able to duplicate 
the ways that he has already been successfully marketing it. 
This is a no brainer.

By the way, the report itself contains the ads he is running, 
the postcard he is using, the free information letter he uses
and more information that will help you market it. Plus, you 
will have the e-mail letters and auto responder that I have 
set up to use to market this as well.

By doing the above he is selling over 1,400 copies of this 
valuable inexpensive report a month for $50.00 a copy. This 
is how he is earning over $70,000.00 a month and this is how 
you, me and anyone else who is serious can do the same thing. 

What he does, after people read the free information letter who 
want to buy the report is, he has them send him $50.00, he then 
sends them priority mail a copy of the report which he bought 
when he started for a one time cost of $50.00. He makes $50.00 
every time someone orders the report, less the cost of printing 
and mailing which is about $5.00.

That's it! He does this over and over and over again. Month in 
and month out. That is all he does and that is all you and me 
have to do. Except, we have the Internet and the tools to market 
this to more people world wide than anyone else ever has.

Let Me Briefly Recap

* This man is earning over $70,000.00 a month in his home based 
* He bought full reprint rights to The "Hottest Selling Report
In The World Today" for $50.00
* He uses a proven system, running small classified ads, 
sending out faxes, and mailing postcards to get people to 
want to receive the free information letter so they can get the 
details to decide if they are interested or not
* The letter does all the explaining and selling for him
* People send him $50.00 for a copy and for full reprint rights 
to this valuable inexpensive report that is worth way more than 
what they paid for it 
* He has his printer make a copy of the report which he paid 
$50.00 for and he mails it out to them priority mail 
* That's it. He does it over and over and over again, month in 
and month out

Here's Where You Come In

You, me and anyone else anywhere in the world, can do the same 
thing this man is doing. Plus, we can use the Internet and all 
the tools we have to talk to more people.

Obviously, I have no idea if this will be of any interest to you 
or not. My responsibility is to let you know what I know and you 
decide. This is what your responsibility will be as well if you 
do this. You will be letting people know about the free 
information letter that does all the selling for you and they will 
make up their own mind.

All money earned is based on how many people you get to want to 
read the free information letter and how many of them want to buy 
the report. I will help you find people who want to receive the 
free information letter to find people from them who want to buy 
the report from you for $50.00 a copy.

If this does interest you, simply send a new e-mail message to the
following auto responder address and you will receive a copy of the 
free information letter and the form to order your copy of this 
report for $50.00 which will include full reprint rights so you can 
turn around and start marketing them for $50.00 each automatically. 
You will receive this information promptly so you will be able to 
decide if this is for you or not. 

The auto responder e-mail address is: thefacts@megd.com

In Closing

All I can say is take the time to get the facts. If this is for 
you, let me know and I will help you. If your not interested, 
thanks for your time and I will keep you posted on the results 
that happen here and with the other things we are doing.


Dave Sheehan

OFS Independent Associate 

  O O            
(   > )          
 \ 0   "Please refer to dept 103 when you correspond with us"
 /   \            
                 Your Success Is My Success!

--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 1997 06:21:21 UTC