Re: Suggested character set policy for the IETF writes:

>     Protocols MUST be able to use the ISO 10646 coded character set,
>     with the UTF-8 character encoding scheme, for all text. (This is
>     called "UTF-8" in the rest of this document)

Well, UTF-8 is not a character encoding scheme, as it always implies 
10646 characters, you could write:

"in the UTF-8 transformation format" instead of "with the UTF-8 ...,"

>     They MAY specify how to use other character sets or other
>     character encoding schemes, such as UTF-16, but lack of an ability

I propose to delete "or other character encoding schemes" as 
"character encoding schemes" is already included in your above definition
of "character set", and UTF-16 is not a character encoding scheme anyway,
as it is not orthogonal with the 10646 coded character set (it always
implies 10646).

>     to use UTF-8 needs clear and solid justification in the protocol
>     specification document before being entered into or advanced upon
>     the standards track.

I would like also to suggest the use of the term "charset" instead
of the term "character set" as the latter has a different meaning
in ISO standards than the one you use.

Keld Simonsen

--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Thursday, 26 June 1997 14:15:08 UTC