- From: <Make@MoreMoneyNow.com1>
- Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 12:24:42 -0500 (EST)
- To: ssmith@ix.netcom.com
This message is being sent to you from Internet Communications. If you would like to receive no further E-mail messages from us please send only 1 message to remove2@answerme.com and you will be removed within 48 hours. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Dear Friend & Fellow Entrepreneur, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ YOUR OWN FREE LEGITIMATE 900# BUSINESS! NO MLM - NO SELLING - NO INVENTORY - NO PHONE CALLS JUST REAL MONEY TO BE MADE, Learn How... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dionne Warwick has one...MTV has one...even the Pope has one! Why not you? Have your very own personal 900# and make money even as you sleep... The income potential for this very unique business opportunity is incredible! You can earn 5-15K monthly and even more depending on your desire to make money. We will even show you how to make all the money you want! Probably by now you've seen so many, so called "Making Money Opportunities" that your head is spinning. This is definitely the one you shouldn't let pass you by and here's why. If we could show you a way to earn an unlimited income without ever leaving your house, besides going to the bank to cash your monthly checks, would you be interested? Did you know that Dionne Warwick is making 16 MILLION DOLLARS A MONTH! I'd be a psychic friend too for that kind of money. But the point being that this is a very lucrative business opportunity that doesn't cost $1,000, $100 or even $50. This is exactly what Don Lapre tries to sell you for $250 before you even get his $33.95 kit that only has limited information contained within it. If we've gotten your attention this far and if you seriously want to start your own home-business, part-time or even full-time, this message is for you! Can you or your family use a new car, boat, T.V. or even another computer? You can have anything you want in life as long as you have the determination and drive to go after it. Here's your chance to make your mark in the world. Don't let anyone stop you. Remember, only negative people are poor people. Even if you are poor you don't have to stay poor, there's nothing stopping you besides yourself. Let's get started...... NO HIDDEN COSTS - NO HIDDEN FEES - NO SECURITY DEPOSIT Allow me to explain the business... That's right! You can own your very own home-based money making 900 line for as little as $49.00. If you're looking for a legitimate home-based business, this is for you! These lines provide a real service to the caller! You see, the 900 business has exploded in the last few years and it's only going to get bigger! This is definitely the opportunity of a life-time. You never have to take any orders nor deal with any customers. This is all done for you at the service bureau. All you simply have to do is advertise your 900 number, then collect your paycheck! Is this the ideal home-business or what? Have you ever seen those 900# ads in the newspapers and magazines? Sure you have! The reason there are so many ads is because they work! With the explosion of the Internet coupled with traditional print advertising, you can make a killing in this business! With our marketing kit that we include and your own 900 line, you will make money! The best part is that ALL billable calls are paid directly to YOU! There is NO reseller involved. * You make up to $1.50 per minute on each call!!!!! This business can yield over $10,000 per month or more for you! It can give you freedom and happiness. Understand, this is not some Revealed For The First Time Ever Money-Making Secret that keeps you in the dark until you send in $10 for a scam, that tells you to mail thousands of letters to people asking for money! You should know, in all reality, no legitimate company is going to pay you thousands of dollars per week to mail envelopes, no matter what they say! 900#'s are incredible tools that have generated millions of dollars for their owners. No stuffing envelopes, No Chain letters, No investments, No secrets, No gimmicks! Now you can have your very own 900# right away! When you own a 900 number, you earn an average of $1.50 for every minute a caller stays on the line. The average call is 3 to 6 minutes long. The computer network can handle over one million calls simultaneously, so no one will ever get a busy signal when calling your 900 number. The computer handles the calls. You don't have to answer any telephones, you don't have to talk to anyone, and you don't have to worry about expensive phone lines. Your number works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, you'll be earning money day and night, on weekends, holidays, even while you're in bed sleeping! Allow me to explain what you get with the 900# package... * A choice of which phone line you would like... Date Line Astrology Line Sports Line Fantasy Line Multi-Media Line (6 in 1) * Ready made professionally done ads for print AND online marketing of your 900 line(s) * NO monthly fees! * Access to DAILY call count (know right away how much money you're making!) * Direct access line for assistance from the Service Bureau * FREE consultation from the Service Bureau! Here's the deal... Each line costs only $49.00! Thats right, only 49 bucks! You are probably asking "Why are these so inexpensive?"... The reason is that the Service Bureau is working on a split commission of the calls you generate through your line. The Bureau figures there is no way they can market these lines all over the U.S. by themselves, so they allow people just like you to market them and share the profits! It's really so easy! All you have to do is advertise the 900 line you own and collect the checks! With a 30 day payout cycle on a 6 minute call, based on a $1.50 x 6 min x 30 days, you could make: 1 calls per day $270 12 calls per day $3,240 24 calls per day $6,480 48 calls per day $12,960 IF YOU ACT NOW!...We will include a FREE 900 line!!! Thats right! Order two 900 Lines and get the third one for FREE! See the order form at the end of this ad for more details! ******** SPECIAL BONUS ******** IF YOU ORDER BY APRIL 31, 1997, you will get these Special Bonuses! Also if you have any questions please send your E-mail to: eightmil@cyberpromo.com it will be answered within 24 hours. * HOW TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED AD...I will share with you ALL my secrets on writing classified ads! I don't hold anything back. This report will greatly increase your profits and save you time marketingyour 900 line! * CLASSIFIED AD NETWORK... This publication includes over 1000 newspapers NATIONWIDE that accept classified ads through a network! You write ONE CHECK and these agencies will "shotgun" your ad to numerous newspapers. You can even blanket an entire state for as low as $100! Which can make you THOUSANDS in return! This is yours FREE if you act NOW! * AS A THIRD BONUS, if you order by April 31, 1997, we'll give you a 175 page, E-Book called, "Your Personal Complete Guide To The Internet". It covers every aspect of the Internet from Advanced E-mail to Veronica and shows you how to get full use from the Internet. It even has a whole chapter on marketing your products and services online! P.S. You owe it to yourself and your family to at least consider this opportunity! The Telecommunications industry generates $500 billion dollars a year. Don't let it slip by you! Start your journey to financial success now! Make checks or money orders payable to: Internet Communications Please remit check or Money Order to: Internet Communications 30628 Detroit Ave. STE. 295 Westlake, OH 44145 Sincerely, Internet Communications Inc. =====================> Order Form <========================= Yes, Internet Communications, I wish to take you up on your special offer that ends on April 31, 1997 for your complete 900# Line and Marketing package, INCLUDING THE 3 SPECIAL BONUSES: "How to write Classified Ads", "Complete Internet Guide E-Book" and "Classfied Ads Newspaper Network". I understand I have to completely fill out the order form so Internet Communications can fulfill my order. Please check which lines you are ordering... ( ) Date Line $49.00 ( ) Astrology Line $49.00 ( ) Sports Line $49.00 ( ) Fantasy Line $49.00 ( ) Multi-Media Line (6 in 1) $49.00 Total amount ordered... ______ If you order two 900 lines, get the third one FREE! Please indicate your FREE line if applicable:___________________ All Orders Are Shipped Priority Mail FREE! Name:______________________________________ Address:___________________________________ City:______________________________________ State:_____________Zip:____________________ Country:___________________________________ E-mail Address:____________________________ Phone Number:______________________________ I wish to pay by: ( Check One ) Check:____ Money Order:_____ ============================================================ Make check or money order payable to: Internet Communications Mail check or Money Order to: Internet Communications 30628 Detroit Ave. Suite 295 Westlake, OH 44145 Don't delay, place your order by April 31, 1997 to receive your FREE offers! ------------------------------------------------------------- The entire contents of this message are copyrighted and protected by both United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. None of the text in this message may ever be reproduced, in original or modified form, for commercial purposes, without express written permission by Internet Communications Inc. Thank you. ============================================================= --Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)
Received on Sunday, 13 April 1997 16:23:03 UTC