- From: <me@worldcup2.com>
- Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 08:50:57 -0700 (PDT)
- To: @@pipex.co.za
Are You Still Trying To Make "Some" Money The Hard Way? Learn How To Become Wealthy And Not To Worry About Money Anymore.. God Bless You, OPEN YOUR EYES! READ THIS AT LEAST IF YOU ARE NO INTERESTED IN OUR OFFER! "I'll like to advice you please do NOT send cash to any company or person doing business on the Internet. Nor ask to people to send cash. EVER!..." No More Hard Work! The Internet Can Make "YOU" Very Wealthy In a Short time. All this and more FREE! Yes FREE, You do not have to spend Millions of Dollars in advertising to be the next wealthy American person. Come on, you can start right away to live the American Dream. I will reveal to you a secret that many people has been ignoring till now. The Internet has so many users that If you could offer them a good product. You could make a fortune in a short period of time, legally. You might ask me, what can you offer to so many people when you have Nothing. Well here's where I come to help you in this business. While the (Internet) Information Superhighway still in its infancy stage, you will learn how to prepare your self for years to come. I will not sell you a poor program that has no result and that cost $100's. In fact, I'm giving away so much information that you'll make at least your first $100,000 within the next weeks. You Can Have It All. more Money than you've ever dreamed of, and the Time and Freedom to enjoy it. You'll find out how when you get all this Great info almost FREE. That could cost you $100's even $1000's. "You Can Get Rich Gradually Building Wealth Without Risking What You've Already Worked For" Hey, I did not mentioned "QUICK" OK, I said GRADUALLY step by step!! HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE: A COMPLETE BUSINESS KIT, USE IT TO MAKE MONEY. AND RESELL IT FOR PROFIT... GET 185 HOW TO REPORTS, BOOKS & MONEY-MAKING GUIDES! 10,000+ WEBSITES, WHERE YOU CAN PLACE ADS FOR FREE! HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG IT'S FREE. WHERE TO GET FREE BOOKS, THE BEST EMAIL LIST, THE BEST BULK EMAIL SOFTWARE. NO CRAP LIKE THE ONES YOU HAVE SEEN BEFORE. A BULK EMAIL SOFTWARE DESIGNED TO HELP YOU MAKE $$$. Now selling information via E-mail Order is a Billion Dollar business that feeds on a society that is always hungry for ideas and information. True, it is common knowledge that selling information by email can make you a fortune. But getting the information to sell is KEY to starting this profitable email order business. Here's your opportunity. Many people are stuck for life hating the way they earn their living because they do not want to take the gamble of quitting their jobs or risking everything they've built up over the years. This is why SELLING INFORMATION by email is the perfect way to get ahead and make money with a very low investment compare to traditional businesses. It is only in this amazing business can you start out with practically NO capital and build yourself up to almost any size business and income that you want with literally NO LIMIT. For starters, you can make $3,500 a month part-time, and up to three times as much full time. NOTICE: We have an exceptional collection of reports and guides. Whether you decide to USE THEM or SELL THEM the information you receive can make you money. Even if you don't want to start a email order business, our reports could be worth thousands of dollars to you. OWN THE RIGHTS TO ALL THESE REPORTS & GUIDES! PLUS MANY MORE! *A consumers guide to air travel *A consumers guide to fats *How to avoid common advertising mistakes *How to become a printing broker *How to grow your mailing list *How to get free publicity for your business *How to get free radio advertising *How to sell information by mail *How to make $5,000 a month or more with garage sales *How to make a fortune with classified ads *buying a safer car *How to make big bucks with any multi-level program *How to make big money with your own business financing service *How to make money producing cable TV spots *How to make money producing special event videos *How to make money videotaping weddings *How to make up to $750 in your spare time or weekends *How to prepare a business plan that guarantees big profits *How to publish your own newsletter *A guide to indoor air quality *How to raise money for starting a business *How to recruit dealers/distributors to sell for you *A new type of gift basket guarantee to bring impressive profits! *Achieve success with your own money-making newsletter *Aerobics classes: Dancing for profit *Amazing bargains in defence surplus *Avoid patent, trademark and copyright problems *BBS for fun and profit *Books for children *Business credit for women, minorities and small businesses Plus many, many more... Only $49 Complete package! Yes! For your $49 investment, you'll receive the complete Info-By-Email Business Package which include: --185 How to reports, books & money making guides A $300 value. --10,000+ websites where you can place ads totally Free A $100 value --Where to get Free books, Freebies and much more A $50 value --Where to get the Best email list that pulls customers like crazy A $10 value --Where to get the Best bulk email software. Ranked #1 in USA & UK A $10 value --Worldwide unlimited reprints rights -- Worldwide resale rights 1) FREE BONUS!! 15 EXTRA REPORTS: Your package will include 15 extra reports. (Altogether , you'll receive a total of 200 reports.) You also get the Duplication & Marketing Rights for this reports. It's a $90 value that's absolutely FREE with your order. 2) FREE BONUS!! You'll receive an special letter that will explain you why so many people are successful in this business using the right Keywords in their ads. WHAT PEOPLE SAY: "..Gives you more that your money's worth. This is the most honest pound - for - pound value I've seen from a money making opportunity ad. The information is awesome. It's a real bargain at any price." David T. SAVE EVEN MORE IN THIS LIMITED-TIME SPECIAL OFFER!! If you order before April 12, you'll get a 3rd bonus with a $40 Value FREE... To Reserve your copy of Info-By-Email Business Package please fill out the form below. We apoligize but we are only offering this kit to the first 500 clients! I do NOT want to saturate the market with my offer so you can all profit... God Bless you all and I wish you the best, Wilbert M. ------------------------------Cut--------------------------------------------- Info-By-Email Business Package ORDER FORM: Please print out this order form and then fill in the blanks...... All 185 Reports Come In A Single Zip File Ready To Copy 185 How to reports, books & money making guides A $300 value. 10,000+ websites where you can place ads totally Free A $100 value Where to get Free books, Freebies and much more A $50 value Where to get the Best email list that pulls customers like crazy A $10 value Where to get the Best bulk email software. Ranked #1 in USA & UK A $10 value Worldwide unlimited reprints rights -- Worldwide resale rights YES! SEND MY BUSINESS PACKAGE & MY 3 FREE BONUSES. __ USPS Priority Mail (Send: $49 + s/h $7 = $56) __ Canada/ International (Send: $49 + s/h $12 = $61) __ Email me the package within 48 hours (Send $49 + s/h FREE) Name _______________________________________________ Company Name _________________________ Position _________________________ Address _________________________________ City ____________________________________ State __________ Zip ___________ Phone #'s _____________________________ Fax #'s __________________________ Email address 'PRINT CLEAR PLEASE' _______________________________________ We accept Checks or Money Orders by mail. Checks are held for 4 days till it clears the bank. I agree to pay Wilbert M. an additional $25 fee if my check is returned for insufficient or uncollectable funds. SIGNATURE: X_________________________________DATE:__________________ Please send all order forms and check or money order to: Wilbert M. Dept E-777 509 Jersey Avenue, Ste. 4L Jersey City, NJ 07302-3534 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) 1996-97 --Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)
Received on Sunday, 6 April 1997 08:00:27 UTC