Re: Metaquestion on this group

> So, based on the fact that MIME charset is primarily for text/plain, with
> which we have collected some experience, shouldn't we have a specific
> objective of internationalized "encoding of plain text".

Unfortunately, we don't seem to have consensus in the community that
multilingual messages -- in MIME terms, single body parts containing
text in more than one language -- are "plain text".  If they are not,
then specification of an ISO character set together with a (separate?)
header that identifies the language is probably sufficient for all
"plain text" cases, and special in-body markup is needed for the other

If they *are* "plain text", then one needs switching mechanisms, not
just "character sets" (in the "code table" sense).

Note that the MIME term "charset" does not appear in the above two


--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 1994 04:42:57 UTC