- From: Masataka Ohta <mohta@necom830.cc.titech.ac.jp>
- Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1993 13:35:44 +0900 (JST)
- To: jerman-blazic@ijs.si (Borka Jerman-Blazic)
- Cc: ietf-charsets@INNOSOFT.COM, ietf-wnils@UCDAVIS.edu
> I would say that they have different code points because they belong to > different scripts!. Good. So, CJK Hans should have different code points. Hiragana-Katakana-Han script for Japanese and Hangul-Han script for Korean and pur Han script for Chinese are, of course, completely different. > You can order all latin characters from ISO 10 646 > in one collation string for many different languages (it is > difficult because the ordering rules > differ from language to language, some already done work is > around) It is well known that such collation (so called phone book order) is impossible, as the ordering rules are often contradictory diffferent language by language even within those with Latin characters ('v' and 'w', and 'a' with ring above are famous examples). > I agree completly. Agree with what? I'm afraid you misunderstand the issue. > Glyphs and typography is not related issue here. But, as for "whois", if the data received could not be displayed because "Glyphs and typography is not related issue here", it is just an abstract nonsense. > Characters in one coded character set are supposed to be unique i.e > one character is coded only once in one character set table. I don't mind what your difinition of "character" is, but you confuse the uniqueness of a character code and the uniqueness of a character. > p.s but we agreed what are the problems to be solved over Internet, > did we?? Yes, we have already agreed to be able to handle mixed multilingual text, which means we need a code which separate CJK Han. I don't mind if you do not call it "a character code". Masataka Ohta --Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)
Received on Tuesday, 26 October 1993 21:41:02 UTC