RE: Meta non-discussion (could be ignored)

Let me try to say this exactly and in a short message.

(1) Everything Ned says is correct.  He has correctly understood my intent.

(2) That intent is to focus all IETF protocol-related character set issues
on this list, whether they are MIME-related, general theory related, 
gopher-related, NIR tools related, etc.   All of them.  Those discussions
belong here, not in any of the other working groups.   Once we charter a
"charsets" WG, its discussions will focus here also.

(3) Where these discussions are focused is a management issue.  It has been
decided.  I will not discuss it further except in private email sent to me.
Postings to this list (or any other list) on the topic will be ignored.

(4) There are no *technical* barriers to posting to lists other than this
one.   However, anyone doing so will identify him or herself as attempting
to obstruct the process and prevent people from understanding the problems
and reaching consensus, rather than as making constructive contributions.
Presumably people will give such contributions the consideration they 
deserve (i.e., very little).

(5) Nothing above is a commitment on my part to discuss the management question
any further, even in private email, unless someone raises new and important
issues in such private mail.


--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Tuesday, 17 August 1993 19:32:39 UTC