Re: Broader discussion - limit dictionary encoding to one compression algorithm?

On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 5:05 PM Patrick Meenan <> wrote:

> As things stand right now, if you have resources > 50MB and < 128MB you
> can't use brotli to delta-encode them (even in the web case we have already
> seen this with some large WASM apps).

One cool compression improvement would be to allow the range-request to
return a dictionary range -- and in decompression only the bytes within the
dictionary range are used for decompression. That way decompression memory
use could be more limited (for a 100 MB content from 200 MB to ~5 MB), and
for the wasm app patching case that would improve the compression density
slightly (~10 % or so) as the length of the codings to the dictionary have
less entropy, and they can be the most substantial entropy source in such

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2024 07:59:47 UTC