The 1-2-3's of HTTP

If you have a problem that 3 solves, great! Otherwise, do you really need it? No! Or 2, for that matter -- if you have a use-case for 2 just use 3. Otherwise, what's faster? HTTP 1.1 with pipelining. I'm using the Haskell QUIC library for 3, and HTTP library for 1 and 2... but why? Well, because reasons. But, their 1.1 library serves static files of reasonable siize, faster than 3, and faster than lighttpd.

Lighty breaks long before Haskell's userland threads, because it forks. Still serviceable, no support for 3. So, I de-crufted it of 2... "ultralightty" lol. Basically, I've deprecated and removed 2, and now only use 1 and 3. Back when SPDY discussions began, the biggest argument against pipelining was lack of implementation. Does that still hold true? Uhhh... no. Anyone know any good HTTP 1.1-only libs with :43 and pipelining support?


Received on Saturday, 4 May 2024 14:10:42 UTC