Re: meeting on Friday

    So, has everyone left the country or something?  It's been mighty
    quiet on this list.  Is our meeting still on for Friday?  What about
    agenda?  Could we not make more effective use of the time on Friday if
    we agreed on an agenda beforehand?
Technically, I did leave the country briefly (at least, according
to the GPS on the sailboat).  In any case, I was out of town last
week, and I've been meaning to ask for agenda suggestions.  So
far, the only response to my request for suggestions from non-attendees
is to consider the Vary: proposal that was circulated last week.

Please send me suggestions for other agenda items; I already have
a list (which I need to put into an online form) of the most obvious

We'll no doubt spend the first few minutes of the meeting doing
some agenda-hacking, since I'm not sure which topics are most
dear to the hearts of the people actually attending.


Received on Wednesday, 31 January 1996 18:13:50 UTC