Re: Conneg: Vary VS URI with an eye towards caching

Koen says:
|Good question.  I for one would greatly prefer having a scheme in
|which each variant has an URI as its name, not some opaque thing.  The
|reason is that I want to avoid caches having to store variants under
|keys like (port-URI, opaque thing) instead of just (variant-URI), that
|I want to avoid speccing and implementing a
| GET variant-called-X-of-negotiation-port-Y
|access mechanism for reactive negotiation, etc.

I'll second that.  Don't forget the poor slob who needs to edit
a variant.  If variants have their own URIs, then they can just
	PUT variant-URI

instead of:

	I-Really-Meant-This-Variant-From-Some-Cache: foo.ijwefij#09i908235


Received on Monday, 8 January 1996 07:33:21 UTC