Re: bypassing

On Thu, 8 Feb 1996, Paul Leach wrote:

> A header in the request is superfluous -- the client should  just 
> contact the origin server directly.  E.g.: In the case of POST and '?' 
> for forms -- the form should say whether the result of submitting the 
> form is cachable, and based on that, the browser should either contact 
> its proxy cache, or go diectly to the origin server.

I think he problem we're discusing is what the best method might be for
the browser and possible intermediate mandatory proxies (e.g., firewalls)
to learn about possible bypass of caching.

It isn't sufficient for the browser to know since there may be a 
firewall in the path.  Hence, the signal must appear in the data 
stream.  A new method has been suggested. Beefing up the GET body
in implementations.  Etc.

Dave Morris

Received on Friday, 9 February 1996 04:16:16 UTC