Re: Variant-ID proposal

At 10:29 PM 4/17/96 +0200, Koen Holtman wrote:
>Roy T. Fielding:
>>[Jeff Mogul:]
>>> I would rephrase that as: The variant-ID is used as part of the cache
>>> key only if the Request-URI is not sufficient to determine a specific
>>> entity.  (And then only for conditional requests and for replacing 
>>> existing cache entries.)
>No, change that to `the request URI and the contents of a
>Content-Location header (if present)'.

From this context I'd say "yes or no" depending on whether the server used
Vary or Alternates.  For Vary the cache key would be Request-URI +
Variant-ID:, and for Alternates: the cache key would be Request-URI and
Content-Location:.  So you're both right(?)

the Programmer formerly known as Dan          

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 1996 21:38:34 UTC