RE: Variant-ID proposal

>Subject: 	Re: Variant-ID proposal
>Roy T. Fielding:
>>Argh, no, you don't need any of this stuff.  
>Yes I do.
>>  The Alternates mechanism
>>must be completely orthogonal to Vary.
>I agree 100%.  That is why I think we need this stuff.  If we don't
>have it, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to make transparent
>negotiation (Alternates) orthogonal to opaque negotiation (Vary).
>If you have two orthogonal mechanisms, you can't have them share the
>same space in the Cval: header.

This sounds to me like you're confusing protocol mechanisms and
implementation mechanisms.  There are two orthogonal protocol mechanisms
here, but in any server, I would imagine only one implementation
mechanism, which would _indeed_ share the same variant-id scheme. Hence,
I don't agree that the design principle you invoke applies to this case.

Which is why I still agree with Roy, and don't see that mental models
need to be gotten into synch at a lower level of abstraction than what I
said above.


Received on Monday, 15 April 1996 21:29:51 UTC