Must-revalidate [was Re: Warning: header, need origin]

There has been a lot said about this issue, and not a lot of

Let me try to isolate some of the specifics:

    (1) The basic mechanism by which origin servers allow
    caches to avoid revalidations is to use an expiration
    time (expressed either with Expires: or with max-age).

    (2) We have (for a long time) had a consensus that some
    caches are going to ignore expiration times in the
    service of better performance, with the understanding
    that "somewhat stale" responses are usually acceptable.

    Such loosening of expiration times can be done either
    by end-user caches or intermediate (proxy) caches.
    (3) Koen has made a convincing argument that there are
    some specific cases where revalidation must be done,
    or else serious semantic failures will result.  However,
    these cases do NOT require us to disable caching entirely,
    so the use of "no-cache" responses is unnecessary and
    would harm performance.

    (4) The "must-revalidate" response directive solves Koen's
    problem, while allowing intermediate caches to violate
    a max-age=0 directive according to consensus #2 above.

    (5) Must-revalidate is mandatory for proxy caches.  Only
    an end-user cache (i.e., in a PDA) is allowed to cheat,
    and I'm agreeing to this only because some people think
    that PDA implementors (and the like) will cheat anyway.
    The spec will insist that in this case, the user MUST
    be informed that something dangerous is being done.

    (6) I originally tried to suggest that all server-specified
    expiration times should be mandatory, but various of you
    (including Roy, if I recall) said I couldn't do this.
    If you all want to change your minds now, then we can
    make max-age=0 mandatory, and remove must-revalidate.
    Otherwise, these are NOT redundant directives, and must
    both be in the protocol in order to satisfy all of the
    requirements people have imposed.

    (7) This is NOT something that can be solved by attaching
    a "special warning" to max-age=0 (unless by "special warning"
    Koen means making it a MUST requirement in the spec, and I
    don't believe this is what Koen meant).  Warnings are
    advisory and are meant for display at the user agent.  They
    are not meant to control the actions of proxy caches.
    (Yes, Roy, I think you're probably right that the Warning 98
    that I proposed is inconsistent with the basic Warning design.)

    (8) Roy seems to think that "must-revalidate" will generate
    loud warnings frequently.  This a misunderstanding.  The
    only rational default configuration for an end-user system
    is "obey must-revalidate".  However, a very small number of
    end-systems may be configured otherwise (although personally
    I consider this stupid), and ONLY those systems will display
    the warnings.

One more thing.  I've heard arguments of the form "we shouldn't
include must-revalidate because service authors who want hit-counts
will probably send it all the time."  This is specious for two
separate reasons:

Reason #1: In the absence of must-revalidate or any mandatory
requirement that expiration times be observed by caches, such
service authors will simply send "no-cache" instead (which I
believe we have agreed has to be mandatory).  So instead of
burdening the network with a lot of conditional GETs (the
consequence of excessive use of must-revalidate), we burden
the network with the much larger load of unconditional GETs.
This is not a win!

Reason #2: We have a choice between (A) specifying a protocol
that, if used "appropriately" (i.e., not abused by servers
looking for hit counts), solves Koen's problem, and (B) specifying
a protocol that does not solve Koen's problem.

The possibility that design A might be abused does not change
the fact that design B is not satisfactory.  Put another way,
for servers that do not abuse the protocol, design A provides
advantages that design B does not.


Received on Wednesday, 10 April 1996 19:27:54 UTC