Re: Warning: header, need origin

At 05:45 PM 4/8/96 MDT, Jeffrey Mogul wrote:
>    >I.e., you need an unavoidable mechanism to require at least conditional
>    >validations on every access.
>    but this really isn't possible. At best, the implementor of the PDA
>    application can warn the user that the information is out of date.
>The PDA application would say "failed to contact server".

I don't envision the PDA people implementing their browser that way, no
matter how strongly we attempt to tell them what to do in the HTTP spec.
More than likely they will put a "Failed to contact server, showing old page
from cache." message in the status bar and display the page as normal.  I'd
guess they would willfully work outside the bounds of the HTTP spec before
they would severly hinder their application in that manner.

the Programmer formerly known as Dan          

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 1996 01:35:25 UTC