Re: Warning: header, need origin

Jeffrey Mogul:
>    In private e-mail, Roy, Jeff, and I agreed that HTTP could require
>    this ignoring of Cache-control to be _detectable_ by the origin
>    server.  If a cache is operating under a situation where it is
>    ignoring caching header, it should include a
>     Cache-control: max-stale=<something>
>    header in the request.  Origin servers could, on detecting this
>    header, deny service if caching would violate law.
>For the record, I never agreed to this, and will never agree to it.

I believe you did, though you told me at the time that you would need
reminding of the details.  I'll forward you the message I was talking

If I misunderstood you then, and if you do not agree to detectability
requirements, then we have a huge problem: many members of the state
management group, including me, won't settle for a 1.1 protocol that
allows caches to be non-transparent without the origin server being
able to detect it, because such a protocol will not allow safe
deployment of cookies.  If you think these detectability requirements
are unacceptable, this could block easily consensus about http 1.1.



Received on Thursday, 4 April 1996 09:50:18 UTC