Problems with HTML Tidy Rule

Hi, everyone.

I've started to use Beyond Compare to compare different versions of my HTML files. I think it will be very helpful. I was having problems comparing, however, because of varying formatting in the files.

To solve the problem, I downloaded and imported the HTML Tidy and XML Tidy rules. Now, when I try to compare two HTML files, I get the following error:

System Error. Code: 2.
They system cannot find the file specified.

I didn't know how to remove the rule (is there a way?), so I uninstalled and reinstalled Beyond Compare, ran HTML Tidy manually on two files, and tried to compare them. I got the same error.

What can I do to compare my HTML files?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Chioso officer

Received on Monday, 5 February 2018 07:45:55 UTC