Tidy complied successful but I have some common problems!

Hi  Sir, I am on a project of converting HTML to XHTML recently. In vs2010, I started writing programs to run, this is a test. In the tidy.h example, is noted. I added library file, there are several projects with library files and so on.
Here is the code:
   - Ran successfully.   

   - Results are as follows:   

Files after conversion, apparently, is the header file, unlike the second inside is starting with the XML declaration. This function also has a problem. where goes wrong?
My customer owns this site: https://www.iphonerecoverypro.com/, which contains some basic bugs that violation of w3 standard even though I have tried to fix.
Thanks a lot!
Ker Web Tech (Kaysmart)https://twitter.com/francos9000

Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2018 08:50:11 UTC