How can we support in-block newline break preservation

To whom it may concern,
I'm an application developer from Oracle Service Cloud. Recently we have 
a concern about how to have the tidy  preserve line breaks in a 
multi-line text.
For example, this is the input:

rnt_tidy (buf_in=0x933b430 "<DIV><SPAN STYLE=\"font-family:System 
Default;\">hello world : item 1\nitem 2\nitem 3. 
Finish</SPAN></DIV><DIV><SPAN STYLE=\"font-family:System 
Default;\">Jinkai Hello World</SPAN></DIV>", buf_out=0x9311690, 
bad_tag_check=1, tidy_opts_ptr=0xfff97114)

Here we have a text field with three lines:
item 1
item 2
item 3

However, after passing through tidy, it becomes:
rnt_tidy rnt_tidy.c:381 [TRLEV1]: FINAL buffer at EOF is: <div><span 
style="font-family:System Default;">hello world : item 1 item 2 item 3. 

the   newline character '\n' becomes a  space, I just wonder if the tidy 
has an option or feature to support the preservation of newline character?

I tried  ( TidyLiteralAttribs,  yes)  and ( TidyXmlSpace, yes), but does 
not work


Received on Monday, 11 January 2016 21:34:08 UTC