Tidy for PHP 5.2


I am running a LAMP stack on Ubuntu with PHP 5.2.

I downloaded tidy mklinux.tgz and tried to put tidy and tab2space
in /usr/local/bin. When I try to run the application that uses HTML Tidy I
get this message:

   - HTMLTidy executable is not available. *Found 'tidy' binary, but it
   didn't run right. /usr/local/bin/tidy -v failed to respond correctly*
   - HTMLTidy executable is not available. *Found 'tidy' binary, but it
   didn't run right. /usr/local/bin/tidy -v failed to respond correctly*

this is unfamiliar ground for me, so sorry if I am not
providing adequate information :(

April Rose
Page 1 Solutions
ext: 1223

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 12:15:27 UTC