W3 Tidy Service To Process Online Shopping Price Comparison Site

Hello, would it be considered a legitimate usage of the online Tidy service
that is provided through w3.org to clean up dynamic pages that are
constantly refreshed?  For example, the following link leads to a webpage
that is updated every hour or so - if someone wanted to create an RSS feed
by scraping that page, they might run it through a service like Tidy at the
W3 site first for well formed html before formatting it into RSS.


Or alternatively are there standalone scripts or components that can be
utilized that provide the same Tidy service but which can be run locally on
the server?  Which would therefore not place any additional burdens on the
W3 servers.

Best regards,

Junaid Nazir

Merchant Support
Phone:  0798 555 333 0

Compare prices and save money at http://www.superstoresearch.com the online
price comparison site.

"The larger the lake of knowledge the longer the shore of wonder."

Received on Wednesday, 29 December 2010 20:50:24 UTC